Easy Fermenter Labels
Time Required:
As long as it takes you to tear off a piece of tape and write on it
This is my method of keeping track of what is what by labeling my fermenting buckets that allows you to re-use the label when you transfer to a secondary then your keg.
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Gaffer’s tape
Gaffer’s tape (aka “racers tape”, “hundred mile an-hour tape”)
*”mile an-hour” is the colloquial way to pronounce “miles per hour”
I was first introduced to this tape when I started working in IndyCar racing as a DAG (Data Acquisition Guy). When setting up the pits and timing stands, we would use it to tape down the various cords we would need to run along the ground so that people wouldn’t trip over them. It is a cloth-like tape that can be easily torn by hand and comes in different colors. The best thing about it though is that after sitting outside for 3 days in the sun, when you pull it off, it doesn’t leave the sticky residue that you get with duct tape, electrical tape, masking tape, etc.
It got it’s name from gaffer’s in the entertainment industry using it for pretty much the same purpose. You can also see it on NASCAR racecars when they go out for qualifying. They tape off the grille and other inlets when they do a qualifying run to reduce aerodynamic drag, at the expense of cooling.
Where to buy Gaffer’s tape:
- Amazon
- Hardware store
- Racers supply store (most variety of color and best price)
- Music store (the instrument kind, not the CD kind. If those still exist??)
*It’s typically about 3x the cost of duct tape, but in my opinion, much more useful. And keep in mind that sometimes, it the rolls have a lot more length of tape on them than duct tape or masking tape rolls.
Straightforward really…
Peel off a piece of tape, stick it on the fermenter and write on it with a marker.
Be careful however, the tape doesn’t absorb the marker fluid immediately and if you wipe across it, it could get on your fingers.
“N. or S.” is my Christmas Ale, Naughty or Spice. Cheesy name, but tasty brew! It should be carbonated in time for Thanksgiving! 38 is the batch number. Just a habit of mine and how I name them in my brewing software.
Peel off and re-apply
When transferring from your primary to your secondary, just peel off and re-apply to the secondary.
*Apply to a room temperature vessel. If you try to apply it to something cold, it most likely has condensation on it and the tape will not stick
No unsightly residue
“Can’t see the line, can you Russ?”
Keg labels
Same thing when transferring to your keg.
Visible enough in your keezer
**I do sometimes just write on the top of the keg with a Sharpie and wipe if off with acetone when I am cleaning the keg